CESAR was founded in 1983 with the purpose of operating in the field of international cooperation for development. Over the years, CESAR has considerably expanded its intervention fields, defining new competences and diversifying its activities, mainly concerning planning, research, consulting and vocational training, both in the territorial and local development fields, and in food processing and environmental sectors.

Europe Direct Umbria, hosted by CESAR, under the coordination of European Commission Representation in Italy, is a contact centre spreading information on topics of European interest at local, national and international level.

Founder members

Other members are: City of Perugia, the City of Marsciano, the City of Deruta and two important Italian farmers trade unions: “Coldiretti Umbria” and the “CIA Umbria”.


  • CESAR has obtained the certification of its quality system according to the regulation UNI EN ISO 9001:2008.
  • Accreditation by REGIONE UMBRIA for the management of the projects funded by the Structural Funds related to the basic education, higher education and to continuing education (DD 2719 by the 31/03/2006).
  • Accreditation by CONAF (National Council of the Agronomists and Doctors of Forestery class) for the supply of refresher courses trainings requested by professional associations (resolution CONAF 619 of 12-13 December 2017).
  • Accreditation by FOR.AGRI for the project development and management of trainings for companies who join the fund.
  • Accreditation by REGIONE UMBRIA for the management and advertising of intervention in Rural Development Plan actions.
  • Recognized by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for EU projects of various kind (Erasmus +, Life, Horizon 2020, Europe Creative etc…).