The Pilot test phase of the “Green Vineards” project is active, which involves the administration of a training/refresher course for wine operators to make them more aware of the impact that vineyard and winery activities have on the issue of climate change and thus have more tools to adopt sustainable production practices.
The course consists of 13 teaching units, each of which is available in a basic level in Italian, plus any two in-depth levels in English:
Unit 1. Climate Change Awareness
Unit 2. Adaptation to Climate Change
Unit 3. Water Management and Climate Change
Unit 4. Soil Management in Vineyards
Unit 5. Biodiversity and Agroecology
Unit 6. Energy Efficiency Management
Unit 7. Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Unit 8. Management of Waste, By-products and Effluents.
Unit 9. Local and Historical Knowledge
Unit 10. Sustainable Production
Unit 11. Enhancement of Sustainability
Unit 12. Individual Perspective in Winery Management
Unit 13. Facing the Modern Challenges of the Wine Sector.
Those who sign up will not only be able to get up to date on the topics of their interest, but at this stage they will above all be able to help us, by giving their opinion, to improve the course and thus arrive at its final version, which will then be available free of charge to those working in the wine sector.
Once you access the course, you can decide how many and which units to take, customizing your course. It is mportant that you provide us, for each unit conducted, your opinion and suggestions for possible improvements by answering the self-assessment test found at the end of each unit.
The pilot test will be active until May 15, 2024
The link to access the course is (access code for first enrollment GreenV2023)
For further information about the project: